"The way to get started is to 

quit talking and start doing." 

- Walt Disney


For PEOPLE who dream BIG


India Young Entrepreneurs Club (#indiayec) is an initiative by GetSupport | Business Partners (https://getsupport.co.in/). The idea behind the initiative is to nurture young talents who dream BIG and want to do BIG. A platform for those who aspire to be on their own like self employment,  to start their own company, with a startup idea, to run their family business etc.. This club helps aspirants to know the nuances of starting and running their own company.



Entrepreneurs have immense potential to creative value proposition to  people, improve social and economical status of the country apart from creating huge wealth for the investors and themselves.

However, a entrepreneur's journey is not without challenges from professional and personal front.  

We intend to work with these aspirants on Product / Service evaluation, Market research, Competitive analysis, Brand Image, Product / Service placement and importantly Revenue Generation by Successful Entrepreneurs 


Our Prestigious clients who are supporting an initiative of this nature to help the young entrepreneurs to represent their brand and give all the support it takes for them to be successful in their decision to be an entrepreneur.

India's Largest Snow theme park



India's First e-Learning & 
e-Mentoring Platform

International Lifestyle Club

India YEC in 2021
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