As a part of GetSupport Career Academy (GCA) initiatives dedicated to women empowerment. CCP is an exclusive program helping women to make a comeback to the industry after a long break.


Have you ever waited at some point in your life for your 'Click moment'? A moment where all the thoughts or imaginations you have, just seem to fall in place.

Have you ever been struck by the thought that having a career of your choice can give an edge over this fast paced life?

Listening to Tedx or Josh talks fills you with a gush of confidence to restart or start afresh?

What if you get an opportunity to answer all the above questions with one program under the mentorship of experts from various fields. You get to learn and tap into your potential of being a woman.

Here is a great opportunity for all you girls and women out there who need a little more confidence to touch the right chord of your career.


Duration: 4-6 weeks. 

This program will be a HYBRID program with offline as well as online sessions

Monday to Friday: Online 1 on 1 session to brush up you skills

Saturday: Offline session on Personality Building for 2 - 3 hours

Your Takeaways

With little of investment the gain you will have are

  • Being able to align your life according to your dreams.
  • Chance to stand out of the crowd.
  • A sure shot booster for your confidence.

Hope you choose to take the wave of a new start


I have been in association with Mr Balaji for the last 5 years. We work together at Snow Kingdom and Its great to work with a person like him who is very considerate, straight forward, disciplined, cheerful, with exceptional skills in motivating and developing confidence in women who wants to re-start their career after a very long break. A great guy to work with.

Geetha Giridharan

Snow Kingdom

15 years ago I started my career with Balaji as a graduate fresh out of college with zero experience. He has been the teacher, mentor, guide and a great friend helping me choose my career options. Be it recruitment, teaching or now owning my own business in the field of my choice he has helped me make the right decision by making me see the bigger picture in life. These 15 years have seen a lot of breaks in between but Balaji has been the constant giving me a pat on my shoulder when needed and also a knock on my head when things go south. Thanks for being the best mentor that one could wish for.

Revathy Krishnamurthy

Creative Entrepreneur

As I wanted to restart my career, I was searching for some good mentor with latest updates of market who can guide me through.

After meeting Mr. Balaji I really felt like he has the requisite knowledge of current market and can help me out to tap on the potential I have.

Mr. Balaji really helps you to understand things at basic level so that we can stand out with confidence. It's turning out to be a fruitful experience to associate with him as trainee. His mentorship is helping in unleashing my potential.

Deepa Kaushal Singh

Career Restarter

India YEC in 2021
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